Documentation/API Use Cases

How to get scheduling page links for team members across the organization (for admins)

Access information about event types across the organization when you use an owner or admin generated personal access token.

For example, sales leaders can give prospects access to the scheduling page links of specific account executives and customer success leaders can give clients access to their specific account managers.

To get scheduling page links to event types across the organization

Use the procedure below to access the event types across and organization using either required query parameter organization or user URI.

  1. Generate the personal access token using either an Owner or Admin’s Calendly account..

  2. Get and copy the organization or user URI (see how to find the organization and user URI.)

  3. Replace {access_token} with your owner or admin generated personal access token.

  4. To get all links to event types across the organization, make GET request to the /event_types endpoint using the organization scope.

    Example request:
    curl --request GET \
      --url '{organization _uri}' \
      --header 'authorization: Bearer {access_token}'


  5. To get links to event types for a specific user, make a GET request to the /event_types endpoint using the user scope.

    Example request:
    curl --request GET \
    --url '{user _uri}' \
      --header 'authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

Review the response payload

Along with other information about the event, the response payload will include:

  • the scheduling_uri value that you can distribute out or add to your product so invitees can schedule a time with a team member

  • the pooling_type value which will indicate the event type such as a round robin or collective so you can understand what kind of event type you’re sharing. If it's not an event type with pooling capability, then the value will show as null.

scheduling page links response payload 24SEP21

What's next

How to track and report on all scheduled events across your organization (admins only)

How to find the organization or user URI

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